
Sunday, 3 February 2019

What happened?

I'm utterly aghast.

I just went to look at my blog (that I post to rather too infrequently, apologies!) - and I couldn't access it because I'm not one of the invited readers...?


I'm the author!? Why wouldn't I be able to access my own blog?

So I checked the settings and found that it was indeed set to 'invited readers only.

That was not my intention. Of course I want people to be able to read my blog, that's the entire point.  I really don't know what happened.

Did I perhaps change this myself with the intention of turning it back on soon? But why would I do that? It is an utter, utter mistery to me.

This is incribly peculiar and it teaches me that I should check my own blog a bit more often.

Well anyway, we're back in business! (I sincerely hope)